Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i've got the most rockin' kid around

after watching the jimmy kimmel video on youtube of parents who gave their kids crappy presents & taped their reactions, i was curious to see what claire's would be, so carl wrapped-up 3 boxes of kraft mac & cheese & hid it in the dishwasher.  (we stashed her real present -- a digital camcorder -- in a big pot.)

any old ways, when the putch opened her "gift," she didn't pitch a fit or throw a tantrum.  didn't cuss us out or spew hateful words.  didn't say anything negative, in fact.  she just thanked us & even commented on how she thought it was cool that the pasta was winter-themed.  then, when we informed her that it wasn't the real present... she drew a sigh of relief, said she was scared there for a moment & plotzed when she found the camcorder.

yay, holidays.

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