Sunday, August 19, 2012

black tie beach 2012

i don't have time to yammer about yesterday's incredible time at the 3rd annual black tie beach event -- this year at coney island -- so thank you to ari scott for taking these photos & sharing them on flickr, so i can share them here (there was a link allowing me to do it, so please lemme know if this ain't kosher &'ll remove 'em).  & thank you to carl for taking some snapshots for us to share, as well.  it's much-appreciated.

as you can see by the photos, we had a seriously fun time having a regular ol' day at the beach in our (thrift store) best.  in a quick nutshell, hundreds of us dressed-up in black tie attire & descended on the coney island beach to have some fun in the sun amongst unknowing beach-goers.

(many thanks too to charlie todd from improv everwhere -- the man who has been creating & executing amazing "social experiments," such as this.  check out the link for more pictures from three other photographers at the beach & details of all their missions.)

[update, 8/20: you can view more photos here.]






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