Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Resolution Makin' Time

Well, I've been giving this a lot of thought since last I wrote about resolutions. Gonna let one of my resolutions from last year ride into 2013 b/c I didn't quite conquer my less-than-organized style of living & then add two more, so it'll go like this...

Health: I'm going to get all the check-ups, tests n' crap that I should've done years ago. I'm also going to start Yoga classes (honest).

Produce Creatively: I've got to get off my tuckhis & start getting back to my art.

Take Care Of What Needs Taking Care Of: I need to stop procrastinating (as much) & become a Do'er not a Don't'er.

So, power to me. Let's see how this all goes.

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