Monday, December 10, 2012

Good Golly, Miss Molly, It's Almost 2013

I am so far behind in posting on this blog.  I definitely having been giving the love it deserves.  Maybe I'll add that on to my resolutions for 2013.  And, speaking about resolutions, I wonder how I did on this year's resolutions:

1. Be More Patient -- Having a 10-year-old daughter really put me to the test w/ this resolution, but I gotta say... yes, I am more patient these days.  So, score 1 for me.

2. Be a Little More Neater -- Ha.  That I put this on my list shows balls beyond galore.  I tried.  Honestly, I did, but dang my slobbish tendencies.  When push came to shove, my messy ways won over.

3.) Lose My Fat Ass -- Done.  It's not my 18-year-old tush -- heck, it's not even my 36-year-old tush -- but it's my tush & it's not as big as it was at the beginning of the year.  (And, yes, I realize this was not the most difficult to accomplish -- it was only 10 pounds & I always yo-yo, any old ways.)

So, two of our three ain't bad.  At least, according to Meat Loaf.  Though, if you asked Carl, he'd prolly still want me to work on #2.  Maybe I'll give being "a little more neater" in the next couple of weeks a whirl, but don't hold your breath.

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