Tuesday, October 30, 2012

say it ain't so... tomorrow'll still be halloween, won't it?

i know public schools are still closed tomorrow due to frankenstorm/sandy, which stinks b/c it was going to be literacy day at 196 & all the kids were going to dress-up as their favorite book characters, but i digress... see, i hear little birdies saying that the mayor may postpone halloween to a later date now, too.

i already baked 45+ cookies n' cream cupcakes in festive orange baking cups w/ black bats & gosh by golly, these are getting eaten by children in celebration of halloween & that's that.

below is the "naked" version of the cupcakes.  i'm s'posed to go to tho's w/ stacey tomorrow & frost them to look like mummies.  we'll see what happens.  it may wind-up just being frosted, sugared & slapped w/ a halloween-inspired ring on top of it.  we'll see.

cookies n' cream cupcakes -- pre-decoratin'

[update, a little later in the evening: according to my friend preston ronald's post on facebook, mayor bloomberg announced that halloween is still on, though the parade's been postponed.]

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