Friday, June 29, 2012

cejwin on my mind

i posted these photos onto facebook weeks back, but i totally took my time getting it on here to share w/ bonni.  we weren't allowed onto the aviv/aviva or charuvah campuses, etc., but we could use the NSSH, enter the canteen & walk 'round a bit.  you'll see.

so w/out further ado, may i present the snapshots i took during the recent cejwin reunion this past june 9th.  ooh, wait a sec, please note, as w/ facebook, i am keeping w/ the "what happens in port jervis stays in port jervis" pact & not posting actual people.  okay, now on to the pictures:

admin building.

canteen. (ain't the same w/out freida.)

howie bayowitz would hold our CIT meetings here when it was nice out.

the blue (then white w/ green trim) cabin to the left is my old bunk (twice over) in the '80s.
gosh, i miss hanging out behind that bunk.
the beige building is the old office.

the back of old aviva from old chavurah


Bonni said...

the canteen got me

Unknown said...

they let us walk inside. very neat-o to step behind the counter & see it from freida's perspective.